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SKU: 1100270
SKU: 1100270
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Earth 12x24 Grip Porcelain 2cm Bullnose Coping in Light Grey
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Earth offers the classic beauty and variation of natural stone and the unparalleled durability of porcelain.
Earth is perfect for designers and consumers who admire the elegant look of naturally occurring stone like that of the Dolomites. The beautiful organic qualities of Earth were inspired by the mountains, rivers, and valleys of the Trentino region and create a natural effortless style in any outdoor setting. Calming earthy tones and textures make this line a versatile choice for a variety of outdoor installations. From clean whites to warm greys and browns, Earth embodies a natural warm feel that is unsurpassed. With the ability to mimic virtually any stone, our 2CM pavers provide essentially endless possibilities.
technical data
test method
industry standard
Surface Wear Resistance
ANSI - A137.1
Surface Wear-resistance properties of glazed vitreous and porcelain tiles
All Commercial / Residential
Chemical Resistance
ASTM - 650
A tile sample is placed in coninuous contact with a variety of chemicals for 24 hours. No sample must show visible defects.
Not affected
D.C.O.F. AcuTest
ANSI - A326.3
Indoor ≥0.42 Wet
Outdoor >0.55 Wet
Outdoor >0.55 Wet
≥0.42 Wet (Matte Surfaces)
>0.55 Wet (2cm & Grip)
>0.55 Wet (2cm & Grip)
Stain Resistance
ASTM - C1378
Surfaces are exposed to staining agents for 24 hours followed by four cleaning procedures. Results are recorded post cleaning.
Not affected
Resistance To Freeze
ASTM - C1026
A tile sample is subjected to repeated processes of freezing and thawing. Sample must show no visible defects
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Product Specification
12" x 24" Bullnose Coping
Light Grey
20 mm
Carbon neutral