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SKU: 1100560
SKU: 1100560
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Breccia 3x12 Polished Porcelain Tile in Noir
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Breccia is an Italian word describing a fragment of mineral or rock formed together to make a new complex structure. The unique visual appearance have made breccias a popular choice in architecture and design for thousands of years. This material has been embellishing important buildings and palaces since ancient times and can add a touch of luxury to your home or business with its fractal beauty and effortless sophistication. Breccia, from Milestone, is a striking example of this precious stone and is full of depth and movement. Breccia is available in three designer colors and three modular sizes, as well as a variety of mosaics and trims.
technical data
test method
industry standard
Surface Wear Resistance
ANSI - A137.1
Surface Wear-resistance properties of glazed vitreous and porcelain tiles
All Commercial / Residential
Chemical Resistance
ASTM - 650
A tile sample is placed in coninuous contact with a variety of chemicals for 24 hours. No sample must show visible defects.
Not affected
D.C.O.F. AcuTest
ANSI - A326.3
Indoor ≥0.42 Wet
Outdoor >0.55 Wet
Outdoor >0.55 Wet
≥0.42 Wet (Matte Surfaces)
>0.55 Wet (2cm & Grip)
>0.55 Wet (2cm & Grip)
Stain Resistance
ASTM - C1378
Surfaces are exposed to staining agents for 24 hours followed by four cleaning procedures. Results are recorded post cleaning.
Not affected
Resistance To Freeze
ASTM - C1026
A tile sample is subjected to repeated processes of freezing and thawing. Sample must show no visible defects
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Product Specification
3" x 12"
8 mm
Carbon neutral